Friday, November 10, 2006

9. New special issue of CSDA

The special issue of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis on The fuzzy approach to Statistics is no longer "forthcoming".

Volume 51, issue 1 of CSDA contains nothing less than 25 papers. Some of them present overviews of specific aspects of the SPFS interface.

The table of contents is as follows:

The fuzzy approach to statistical analysis
Pages 1-14
Renato Coppi, Maria A. Gil and Henk A.L. Kiers

Generalized theory of uncertainty (GTU)—principal concepts and ideas
Pages 15-46
Lotfi A. Zadeh

Possibility theory and statistical reasoning
Pages 47-69
Didier Dubois

Random and fuzzy sets in coarse data analysis
Pages 70-85
Hung T. Nguyen and Berlin Wu

Practical representations of incomplete probabilistic knowledge
Pages 86-108
C. Baudrit and D. Dubois

Tools for fuzzy random variables: Embeddings and measurabilities
Pages 109-114
Miguel López-Díaz and Dan A. Ralescu

Conditional probability and fuzzy information
Pages 115-132
Giulianella Coletti and Romano Scozzafava

Univariate statistical analysis with fuzzy data
Pages 133-147
Reinhard Viertl

Bootstrap approach to the multi-sample test of means with imprecise data
Pages 148-162
María Ángeles Gil, Manuel Montenegro, Gil González-Rodríguez, Ana Colubi and María Rosa Casals

A fuzzy representation of random variables: An operational tool in exploratory analysis and hypothesis testing
Pages 163-176
Gil González-Rodríguez, Ana Colubi and María Ángeles Gil

A decision support system methodology for forecasting of time series based on soft computing
Pages 177-191
J.D. Bermúdez, J.V. Segura and E. Vercher

Data analysis with fuzzy clustering methods
Pages 192-214
Christian Döring, Marie-Jeanne Lesot and Rudolf Kruse

Extending fuzzy and probabilistic clustering to very large data sets
Pages 215-234
Richard J. Hathaway and James C. Bezdek

Regression with fuzzy random data
Pages 235-252
Wolfgang Näther

Dual models for possibilistic regression analysis
Pages 253-266
Peijun Guo and Hideo Tanaka

Least squares estimation of a linear regression model with LR fuzzy response
Pages 267-286
Renato Coppi, Pierpaolo D’Urso, Paolo Giordani and Adriana Santoro

Fuzzy clusterwise linear regression analysis with symmetrical fuzzy output variable
Pages 287-313
Pierpaolo D’Urso and Adriana Santoro

The coefficient of concordance for vague data
Pages 314-322
Przemysław Grzegorzewski

Goodman–Kruskal γ measure of dependence for fuzzy ordered categorical data
Pages 323-334
Olgierd Hryniewicz

Fuzzy multidimensional scaling
Pages 335-359
Pierre-Alexandre Hébert, Marie-Hélène Masson and Thierry Denœux

I-Scal: Multidimensional scaling of interval dissimilarities
Pages 360-378
P.J.F. Groenen, S. Winsberg, O. Rodríguez and E. Diday

A comparison of three methods for principal component analysis of fuzzy interval data
Pages 379-397
Paolo Giordani and Henk A.L. Kiers

Design of local fuzzy models using evolutionary algorithms
Pages 398-416
Piero P. Bonissone, Anil Varma, Kareem S. Aggour and Feng Xue

Fuzzy modelling and estimation of economic relationships
Pages 417-433
David Shepherd and Francis K.C. Shi

Development of fuzzy process control charts and fuzzy unnatural pattern analyses
Pages 434-451
Murat Gülbay and Cengiz Kahraman


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