37. New theme-oriented issue of FSS
Volume 159 issue 3 of Fuzzy Sets and Systems (February 2008) is devoted to the theme Probability and Statistics. This is not a guest-edited special issue but an ordinary issue where all papers are on the same topic.
FSS has been doing this for a while; it is more practical as it makes harder to miss a paper on your topic, but at the same time it implicitly acknowledges that `fuzzy' has become too broad to be much of a unitarily focused discipline.
The table of contents is as follows.
·Probability and fuzzy sets
1. Higher order models for fuzzy random variables
Pages 237-258
Inés Couso and Luciano Sánchez
2. A strong consistency result for fuzzy relative frequencies interpreted as estimator for the fuzzy-valued probability
Pages 259-269
W. Trutschnig
·Random sets
3. Approximation techniques for the transformation of fuzzy sets into random sets
Pages 270-288
Mihai Cristian Florea, Anne-Laure Jousselme, Dominic Grenier and Éloi Bossé
4. Nonspecificity for infinite random sets of indexable type
Pages 289-306
Diego A. Alvarez
5. Fuzzy universal generating functions for multi-state system reliability assessment
Pages 307-324
Yi Ding and Anatoly Lisnianski
6. Optimal selection of the service rate for a finite input source fuzzy queuing system
Pages 325-342
María José Pardo and David de la Fuente
·Mathematical aspects
7. Strong law of large numbers for t-normed arithmetics
Pages 343-360
Pedro Terán
8. Statistical convergence in fuzzy normed linear spaces
Pages 361-370
C. Şençı˙men and S. Pehlı˙van
(Curiously, nothing less than three papers by people from, or educated in, the University of Oviedo!)
FSS has been doing this for a while; it is more practical as it makes harder to miss a paper on your topic, but at the same time it implicitly acknowledges that `fuzzy' has become too broad to be much of a unitarily focused discipline.
The table of contents is as follows.
·Probability and fuzzy sets
1. Higher order models for fuzzy random variables
Pages 237-258
Inés Couso and Luciano Sánchez
2. A strong consistency result for fuzzy relative frequencies interpreted as estimator for the fuzzy-valued probability
Pages 259-269
W. Trutschnig
·Random sets
3. Approximation techniques for the transformation of fuzzy sets into random sets
Pages 270-288
Mihai Cristian Florea, Anne-Laure Jousselme, Dominic Grenier and Éloi Bossé
4. Nonspecificity for infinite random sets of indexable type
Pages 289-306
Diego A. Alvarez
5. Fuzzy universal generating functions for multi-state system reliability assessment
Pages 307-324
Yi Ding and Anatoly Lisnianski
6. Optimal selection of the service rate for a finite input source fuzzy queuing system
Pages 325-342
María José Pardo and David de la Fuente
·Mathematical aspects
7. Strong law of large numbers for t-normed arithmetics
Pages 343-360
Pedro Terán
8. Statistical convergence in fuzzy normed linear spaces
Pages 361-370
C. Şençı˙men and S. Pehlı˙van
(Curiously, nothing less than three papers by people from, or educated in, the University of Oviedo!)
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