Friday, October 23, 2009

#75. SMPS 2010 CFP

The 5th International Conference on Soft Methods on Probability and Statistics (Spain, September-October 2010) already has a website and a preliminary call for papers.

This time, the conference is associated to a COST action from the European Science Foundation which tries to bring together people from the Statistics and Soft Computing communities.

My personal opinion is that, for the SMPS to make sense, it is imperative to become something larger than a mere biannual meeting for fuzzy people working on problems most statisticians don't really care about at all.

I'm happy to see the local organizers heading in that direction. The program commitee includes people working on topics like censored data (Ricardo Cao), robust statistics (Stefan van Aelst), computational econometrics (Manfred Gilli) and others; and the list of featured topics has grown accordingly.

Presently (not in the SMPS but in general), some interface opportunities, like functional data, coarse data, robustness, etc. are not really being exploited, nor sufficient attention is being paid to identifying the points at the frontier of statistical research where fuzzy methods may have something to offer. Or so I think.


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