Monday, October 16, 2006

7. New edited volume (SMPS'06)

Springer has published the edited volume Soft Methods for Integrated Uncertainty Modelling containing the proceedings of the SMPS'06 (Soft Methods in Probability and Statistics) conference held at Bristol last month. Editors are J. Lawry, E. Miranda, A. Bugarin, S. Li, M.A. Gil, P. Grzegorzewski and O. Hryniewicz.

The last time I checked, the Springer website offered no TOC for this volume. You can find the titles and authors of the contributions here at the conference website.

Btw, the 4th SMPS will be Toulouse 2008.

6. Old paper by Brian Weatherson

This paper by philosopher Brian Weatherson is not about fuzzy sets but I find it relevant for foundational discussions with Bayesians. Weatherson presents a Dutch Book argument which works under intuitionistic logic. An obvious implication, good news for open-minded Bayesianism, is that commitment to classical logic is not necessary in order to adhere to De Finetti's view of probability. Another implication is that adherence to the Dutch Book cannot, in and of itself, rule out other logics.

In From classical to intuitionistic probability, a bet on the occurence of A can be settled for A, against A or remain unsettled (cf. a proposition in intuitionistic logic can be true, false or neither- if it hasn't been proved true or proved false).

Accordingly, Weatherson's intuitionistic probabilities allow for the probabilities of an event and its contrary to sum up to less than 1. Thus he presents them as an alternative to belief functions.

This paper appeared in Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 44 (2004), 111-123.

5. New paper by Agresti and Gottard

This paper elaborates on a suggestion made by Alan Agresti and Anna Gottard in their recent discussion of a paper by Geyer and Meeden in Statistical Science.

If you missed a non-fuzzy statistician suggesting a fuzzy p-value and having it discussed in a major Statistics journal, that proves something like this blog is needed.

The paper Reducing Conservatism of Exact Small-Sample Methods of Inference for Discrete Data is available as a Technical Report from the Università di Firenze. Update: To appear in Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.

You may also want to visit Charles Geyer's website.

4. Forthcoming special issue of CSDA

A special issue of Computational Statistics and Data Analysis is forthcoming on the topic The fuzzy approach to statistical analysis. Guest editors are Renato Coppi, Maria A. Gil and Henk A.L. Kiers.

The papers are already available via Sciencedirect at the journal's site (in the 'Articles in Press' section).

This is the first special issue on Fuzzy Sets ever to appear in a Statistics journal, and I expect this fact to arouse some reaction.

3. New special issue of FSS

Volume 157, issue 19 of Fuzzy Sets and Systems is a special issue on Fuzzy Sets and Probability/Statistics Theories. The guest editors are María Ángeles Gil, Miguel López Díaz and Dan A. Ralescu.

The table of contents is as follows:

Page 2545
María Ángeles Gil, Miguel López Díaz and Dan A. Ralescu

Overview on the development of fuzzy random variables
Pages 2546-2557
María Ángeles Gil, Miguel López-Díaz and Dan A. Ralescu

On Borel measurability and large deviations for fuzzy random variables
Pages 2558-2568
Pedro Terán Agraz

Strong laws of large numbers for independent fuzzy set-valued random variables
Pages 2569-2578
Shoumei Li and Yukio Ogura

Least-squares estimation in linear regression models with vague concepts
Pages 2579-2592
Volker Krätschmer

A strong consistent least-squares estimator in a linear fuzzy regression model with fuzzy parameters and fuzzy dependent variables
Pages 2593-2607
Christoph Stahl

Bootstrap techniques and fuzzy random variables: Synergy in hypothesis testing with fuzzy data
Pages 2608-2613
Gil González-Rodríguez, Manuel Montenegro, Ana Colubi and María Ángeles Gil

A new evaluation of mean value for fuzzy numbers and its application to American put option under uncertainty
Pages 2614-2626
Yuji Yoshida, Masami Yasuda, Jun-ichi Nakagami and Masami Kurano

Goodness of fit and variable selection in the fuzzy multiple linear regression
Pages 2627-2647
Pierpaolo D’Urso and Adriana Santoro

Two- and three-way component models for LR fuzzy data in a possibilistic framework
Pages 2648-2664
Paolo Giordani

Possibilistic decisions and fuzzy statistical tests
Pages 2665-2673
Olgierd Hryniewicz

A fuzzy approach to Markov decision processes with uncertain transition probabilities
Pages 2674-2682
M. Kurano, M. Yasuda, J. Nakagami and Y. Yoshida

2. Linz 2007

The 28th edition of the well-known Linz Seminar (February 2007) will be devoted to the topic Fuzzy Sets, Probability, and Statistics – Gaps and Bridges.

You can find all the information here. The deadline for submission is November 25, 2006, so you are still in time.

1. Editorial post & FAQ

If you don't know what a blog is, or if you bought the idea that blogging is just a form of alternative press, you might be missing a lot of fun. Essentially, a blog is a website with a predefined structure which is organized as a time-ordered sequence of entries. There are many imaginative blogs where this format, however limited it appears to be, has proved to be really useful for a specific purpose.

Advantages of blogging are:
-Minimal time consumption.
-Search ability incorporated.
-Readers' comments allowed.
-Immediate publication.

After a one-year satisfactory experience with my personal blog, the other day it suddenly dawned on me that blogs may be really useful to small, heterogeneous scientific communities. I guess I am a member of one such community: those interested in the interface area between Statistics & Probability and Fuzzy Set Theory. Trying to keep up with the developments takes me a lot of time spent on Internet searches, because:

-Papers are not published in a small number of core journals, but spread across journals belonging to Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science and subject-matter studies.
-Papers are typically not posted on preprint servers like e.g. the arXiv.
-Papers are typically not available at the author's website because many authors (like me) just do not keep, or have the time to update, a website.

So it is just typical that I miss a paper by an author I follow closely; and I am certain to be constantly missing relevant research indirectly related to my own, even if I really commit an effort to the task.

Also, this type of research is young and objectively attracts increasing attention, so it is not easy for incoming authors to find the places to learn and master some basic techniques (lack of specialized texts for graduate students, and so on).

Moreover, although a vast effort has been devoted by some to dispelling a number of recurring misunderstandings and controversies with respected members of the Statistics community, the difficulty of scanning the literature makes some critics be less well-informed than I would wish them to be. Discussions in the scientific tradition of paper-response-rejoinder are slow and uneffective according to today's standards, and tend to bring ill-informed offspring for virtually unlimited time. Therefore it is only in our best interest to help critics to be as well informed as possible.

Finally, there is a foundational side to this research which naturally welcomes discussion. Interesting foundational papers are bound to appear at random and unpredictable places and are very easy to miss.

With this blog I will try to make a humble and personal but cost-effective contribution to mitigating the worse of that situation. I don't know whether any success will be achieved; maybe the blog will turn out to be not useful at all to my colleagues. We'll just see, but in that case the task will have been so inexpensive that the venture seems worth all the same.

Reading some entries should be self-explanatory about what I have in mind, but you are also invited to go on reading the FAQ or contact me in case of doubt.

Frequently Asked Questions

A more complete FAQ will appear here as soon as time allows.

What is the difference between your blog and a preprint server?
The blog does not host any files. It only contains links to preexisting web or ftp addresses.

I have written a very interesting preprint, will you write an entry about it?
Send me a link, I will check that the paper's topic is suitable and I will write the entry. If you send me also a short summary, I may use it or write my own.

Does that mean that only people with a website can contribute links to their work?
Not at all! Nowadays there are plenty of websites that will provide you with free file storage. It will only take you a couple of minutes to open an account and upload your file (PDF preferred). Do read the terms of service though, as some websites do not allow you to upload copyrighted material, or will claim copyright on whatever you upload, or will delete your file if it's not accessed for a long time. I personally use, but I am not endorsing in any way. Please feel free to write a comment suggesting better options.

What is the difference between your blog and a newsletter?
My idea is to be rather specific about information. If you are organizing a special session relevant to this blog I will inform about it, but don't expect me to inform about every single conference where one could potentially submit a SPFS.

Would you post a list of my papers?
Don't ask for it until you see here a list of my papers. But I would certainly post a list of links to your papers if they are available for free in the web (alternatively, a link to your website if that's more handy).

Will you be posting links to already published papers that are nowhere available for free?
Only very exceptionally, to say the least.

Are comments moderated?
Comments are not moderated and you can use the comments in imaginative ways (e.g. give news), but posterior deletion is technically feasible for the blog editor.

Will you remove upon request a comment that has outraged me?
Sigh, I hope this sort of situation will just not happen.

Are very long and technical comments, with parts in TeX, allowed?
It's better to build a PDF file, put it somewhere in the web and just link to it.

How can I contact you?
Follow the `View my complete profile' link in the right column, then in the left there is a link labelled `Send me an email' or something of that sort.

I have found a broken link. What should I do?
Just leave a comment stating the fact (with the entry number). I receive all comments in my email address.