#52. New special issue of FSS
Issue 160(3) of Fuzzy Sets and Systems (February 2009), guest edited by Erich Peter Klement and Radko Mesiar, is a special issue with selected papers from Linz 2007. The topic is Fuzzy sets, probabilities, and statistics: gaps and bridges.
The table of contents is as follows.
Page 291
Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar
Fuzzy inclusion and similarity through coherent conditional probability
Pages 292-305
Romano Scozzafava, Barbara Vantaggi
T-conditional possibilities: Coherence and inference
Pages 306-324
Giulianella Coletti, Barbara Vantaggi
A concept of duality for multivariate exchangeable survival models
Pages 325-333
Fabio Spizzichino
On a class of transformations of copulas and quasi-copulas
Pages 334-343
Elisabetta Alvoni, Pier Luigi Papini, Fabio Spizzichino
Statistical inference about the means of fuzzy random variables: Applications to the analysis of fuzzy- and real-valued data
Pages 344-356
Ana Colubi
Estimation of a simple linear regression model for fuzzy random variables
Pages 357-370
Gil González-Rodríguez, Ángela Blanco, Ana Colubi, M. Asunción Lubiano
Uncertainty measures—Problems concerning additivity
Pages 371-383
Siegfried Weber
The issue also contains the following regular paper, which anyway is on-topic so I include it here as well.
A Monte Carlo-based method for the estimation of lower and upper probabilities of events using infinite random sets of indexable type
Pages 384-401
Diego A. Alvarez
The proceedings of the seminar can be found here.
The table of contents is as follows.
Page 291
Erich Peter Klement, Radko Mesiar
Fuzzy inclusion and similarity through coherent conditional probability
Pages 292-305
Romano Scozzafava, Barbara Vantaggi
T-conditional possibilities: Coherence and inference
Pages 306-324
Giulianella Coletti, Barbara Vantaggi
A concept of duality for multivariate exchangeable survival models
Pages 325-333
Fabio Spizzichino
On a class of transformations of copulas and quasi-copulas
Pages 334-343
Elisabetta Alvoni, Pier Luigi Papini, Fabio Spizzichino
Statistical inference about the means of fuzzy random variables: Applications to the analysis of fuzzy- and real-valued data
Pages 344-356
Ana Colubi
Estimation of a simple linear regression model for fuzzy random variables
Pages 357-370
Gil González-Rodríguez, Ángela Blanco, Ana Colubi, M. Asunción Lubiano
Uncertainty measures—Problems concerning additivity
Pages 371-383
Siegfried Weber
The issue also contains the following regular paper, which anyway is on-topic so I include it here as well.
A Monte Carlo-based method for the estimation of lower and upper probabilities of events using infinite random sets of indexable type
Pages 384-401
Diego A. Alvarez
The proceedings of the seminar can be found here.