#55. Old book by Nguyen and Wu
As it turns out, someone has uploaded Hung Nguyen and Berlin Wu's Fundamentals of statistics with fuzzy data (Springer, 2006) to direct download servers. I didn't put it there and I ignore who did it, in particular if he had the legal right to do so. If you are uncomfortable with that, or think that downloading the book may be illegal in your country, just use Google Books or inter-library loan instead.
Instructions: In this page, follow the "Rapidshare" link (if it doesn't work, try the "File Factory" link but the process is then more complex), then click on the button "Free user", wait for as long as you're asked to do, finally a button "Download" will appear, click on it. The PDF is compressed as a RAR file, so you will need a decompressor for it. If you haven't any, google for e.g. WinRAR and download a shareware version for free.
Instructions: In this page, follow the "Rapidshare" link (if it doesn't work, try the "File Factory" link but the process is then more complex), then click on the button "Free user", wait for as long as you're asked to do, finally a button "Download" will appear, click on it. The PDF is compressed as a RAR file, so you will need a decompressor for it. If you haven't any, google for e.g. WinRAR and download a shareware version for free.
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