46. Old theses by Körner, Hébert and myself
I finally found Ralf Körner's thesis
Ralf Körner (1997). Linear models with random fuzzy variables
at his old website at Freiberg. Some preprints can be found there too.
Moreover, I've found P.-A. Hébert's
Pierre-Alexandre Hébert (2004). Analyse de données sensorielles : une approche ordinale floue (Sensorial data analysis: an ordinal fuzzy approach).
It seems fair enough to add my own thesis here, even if it were only to make this really multi-language.
Pedro Terán (2003). Teoremas de aproximación y convergencia para conjuntos y funciones aleatorias (Approximation and convergence theorems for random sets and random functions).
Ralf Körner (1997). Linear models with random fuzzy variables
at his old website at Freiberg. Some preprints can be found there too.
Moreover, I've found P.-A. Hébert's
Pierre-Alexandre Hébert (2004). Analyse de données sensorielles : une approche ordinale floue (Sensorial data analysis: an ordinal fuzzy approach).
It seems fair enough to add my own thesis here, even if it were only to make this really multi-language.
Pedro Terán (2003). Teoremas de aproximación y convergencia para conjuntos y funciones aleatorias (Approximation and convergence theorems for random sets and random functions).
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