Friday, August 14, 2009

#73. Old paper by Eyke Hüllermeier

Hüllermeier gave a nice plenary talk (on fuzzy sets in machine learning and data mining) last month at the IFSA World Congress. Unfortunately, neither his slideshow nor his homonimous paper in Applied Soft Computing seem to be available on the net.

In the meantime, we'll have to do with older material in the same direction.

Eyke Hullermeier (2005). Fuzzy methods in machine learning and data mining: status and prospects. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 156, 387-406.

Further papers of his can be found here.

Thursday, August 06, 2009

#72. Martin Sewell's Statistics FAQ website

You can find a lot of links to interesting papers there.

Sewell seems to be a strong believer in the Bayesian credo. However puzzling his opinions may get, a particularly nice fact is that he also provides links to papers and Internet discussions where opposite views are held, a very much appreciated effort. So you can find there interesting material by all parts.

If you spend some time digging the website, you will find links to a lot of valuable material, not only foundational but also mathematical.