You may be interested in the following conferences for 2011.
Linz 2011The topic of the 32nd Linz Seminar on Fuzzy Set Theory is
Decision theory: qualitative and quantitative approaches. Some of the topics covered are
* Decision theory
o Multifactorial evaluation and aggregation operations
o Utility theory
o Cooperative game theory
o Preference structures
o Modelling of preferential independencies
o Revision of preferences
* and applications to
o Multicriteria decision support
o Decision under uncertainty
o Voting procedures
o Recommender Systems
o Electronic commerce
Call for papersWebsiteAbstract submission: Nov 14th 2010 (you're still in time).
Conference dates: Feb 1st-5th 2011.
Venue: Linz (Austria).
NLMUA 2011Shoumei Li is the main local organizer of the 1st International Conference on Nonlinear Mathematics, Uncertainty and Applications. Some of the topics covered are:
Nonadditive measures and nonlinear integrals (including Choquet, Sugeno and other type integrals, possibility theory, Dempster-Shafer theory and so on)
Random sets, fuzzy random sets and related statistics
Set-valued and fuzzy stochastic processes, differential inclusions, multi-valued SDE
Imprecise probability theory and related statistical models
Fuzzy mathematics
Nonlinear functional analysis
Information theory
Mathematical finance and risk managements
Decision making under various types of uncertainty
Information fusion and knowledge integration in uncertain environments
Soft computing and intelligent data analysis
Applications in economics, finance, insurance, biology, engineering and others.
Call for papersWebsiteSubmission: March 15th 2011.
Conference dates: Sep 7th-9th 2011.
Venue: Beijing (China).
EYSM 2011The 17th European Young Statisticians Meeting is intended for researchers under 30 or with a limited research experience. The topic is Statistics and Probability. Two participants per European country are selected (incidentally, the criteria change according to the country's culture; in Spain, the best CVs are selected; in Denmark or the Netherlands, they may be chosen randomly; in Russia, probably a big name in a Moscow university will make the choice).
If you're European or a researcher at an European institution, I strongly encourage you to apply. Not only you'll be able to say that you represented your country in an international event (a good bit for incidental conversation), but the experience is totally unlike a usual conference. I've been involved in the EYSM as both participant of the 14th edition and organizer of the 15th and I can tell you it's extremely enjoyable.
WebsiteAbstract submission: Apr 17th 2011.
Conference dates: Sep 5th-9th 2011.
Venue: Lisbon (Portugal).
Be aware that the selection process is carried out independently in each country, so you should find your contact
here and ask him/her for specific information (if no international organizer is from your country, contact the meeting organization directly). For instance, in Spain you should additionally submit your CV prior to Jan 15th 2011.